Qualitative Research

Focus Group Discussion [FGD] & Mini Group Discussion [MGD]

A qualitative research method where we conduct round table discussions with pre-recruited respondents. The focus group discussion (FGD) is suitable to collect a wide range of opinions or ideas leading to insight through conversations between research subjects to get into the deep psyche or get down to the bottom line of a survey subject. Field Lanka conducts mini groups with 2-4 respondents or regular group discussions with 8-12 respondents as per the study scope and client requirement.

We also provide a variety of state-of-the-art facilities where our client can listen and observe the real voices of the consumers.

In –Depth Interviews

Another qualitative research method where we conduct one to one in- depth interviews using experienced researcher.This will make a proposal for the client based on a wealth of data.Our moderators by getting down to the bottom line of theconsumer, we can obtain an in-depth understanding of their behavior in chronological order, the psychological changes they went through at that time, their concept of values, and the value of your company’s brand.

Interviews via Webcam & Smartphones

This is a remote interview type of interview which uses a computer-based WEB camera. As we don’t have to ask the respondents to come to the venue, we can easily conduct an interview even with people who live in remote areas. In addition, by using a smartphone, we can do a virtual tour of the respondent’s home asking them to show you around their place.